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I'd do nothing but reading if I could (ok, maybe eat some great food, buy some fancy shoes between two books...oh, and spend some quality time with the gorgeous guy I married while I am on reading-break anyway...)

My Summer of Wes - Missy Welsh I am disappointed. After a lot of very good reviews, I expected a sweet coming out/coming of age story. It was not bad, but not what I would call sweet.Mal, the first person narrator, is a lonely 18 year old high school graduate without friends or any basic social contacts. He meets his neighbours' son Wes, 24, gay and experienced. Mal got harassed in school for being gay. He thinks himself straight. For about a week with Wes - then he notices that he is indeed gay and wants Wes. The part were he comes to terms with this is very short and shallow. As soon as he accepts that he is gay, he starts to have sex with Wes. A lot of sex. And he is a natural in that field. Has no qualms whatsoever. Tries everything, no fear, no hesitation. That sounds like a lot of wishful thinking to me especially if we are to believe that he never even thought about sex before.What I disliked also was the gap between both MCs. Mal is 18, but given his very limited human interaction seems much younger. That makes the seduction a little seedy for me (no pun intended...). There are a lot of better books in that genre around - e.g. John Goode's series.