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I'd do nothing but reading if I could (ok, maybe eat some great food, buy some fancy shoes between two books...oh, and spend some quality time with the gorgeous guy I married while I am on reading-break anyway...)

DNF early on.

Queen Heir (NYC Mecca Series) (Volume 1) - Leia Stone, Jaymin Eve

Such a disappointment.


This had some cool setting with women Alphas who rule with cunning, strategy and strength. I was also really hopeful for the hinted love story, because you don't get a lot ot Alpha meets Alpha in M/F UF books...




Let me introduce you to the reason this sucked - and in her own words, no less:

"The bright shirt also contrasting against my alabaster skin, inherited from my Danish and Norwegian mother. I never knew my father, but I was told his heritage was Polynesian islander. Which explained my dark lashes and brows, and what some have called disconcerting turquoise eyes."


Yeah, yeah - those Polynesian islanders and their turquoise eyes! And by the way, her hair is platinum/silver blond. Impressed yet?

Which explains why she needed a person of colour as her daddy to give her dark lashes over the aquamarine eyes (she called them that later, after turquois again). The alabaster skin gets some more mentions too.


Isn't that some cool genetic mixture? 


I was trying to let that kind of inner monologue run with Kate Daniel's voice in my mind and wanted to instantly burn this book.


Disappointed, you could say.