I'd do nothing but reading if I could (ok, maybe eat some great food, buy some fancy shoes between two books...oh, and spend some quality time with the gorgeous guy I married while I am on reading-break anyway...)
Mix in some Norse mythology and you get an enjoyable read with a lot of steam and some humor.
The two groups (boys are ravens of Odin, the girls crows of Skuld) learn to play together, play tricks on each other, party hard, kill some enemies and give some true frat party vibes.
The main couple is hot together, but Will didn't really have a "viking-vibe" for me. He was a big guy and nice (but not too nice). Him and Neecy fell in love more or less instantly, it was more about coming to terms with her feelings than a real getting to know each other.
It was a typical Shelly Laurenston book. For better or worse :-)
It had a lot of sex. Most of it rather fairy tale like, just as Will's prowess and endowment, Neecy's constant state of wet panties and so on. Like a soft porno.
But it was not overwhelming.
So all in all a good read.