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I'd do nothing but reading if I could (ok, maybe eat some great food, buy some fancy shoes between two books...oh, and spend some quality time with the gorgeous guy I married while I am on reading-break anyway...)

Easily one of my favourites in this series!

Shield of Winter (A Psy/Changeling Novel) - Nalini Singh

Together with the first one about Sascha and her leopard and Hawke's story.


I enjoyed the story, it had a sweetness and quality that I missed in some of her other books in this series.


I very much liked Vasic. He was a great hero. Strong but vulnerable, silent and stoic.


The heroine was a little bland like most UF heroines who are not "kick-ass" she was a little too good to be true (so unselfish and sweet and passionate and joyfull, yada yada yada), but I appreciate that she never got on my nerves. She was brave and she did her best.


The plot was well constructed and the over-all storyline about the collapsing PsyNet was furthered.


All in all a great read.