I'd do nothing but reading if I could (ok, maybe eat some great food, buy some fancy shoes between two books...oh, and spend some quality time with the gorgeous guy I married while I am on reading-break anyway...)
I just don't buy into that movie star meets wallflower stuff. He is to good to be true. And she feels equally artificial with her "Oh I read so much, look at me" persona.
And it is harsh that I say something myself as I normally also don't go anywhere without my kindle and/or a book in my handbag. I should sympathize, but I don't. Somehow it sounds incredibly pretentious and lame in a novel.
What irked me really bad: She is insecure and calls herself dorky, a nerd and stuff. A social outsider.
Through her friends comments and her own descriptions e.g. of her clothing, a very different impression arises - that she is a hot latina bombshell who dresses cutely. I really don't like this as a plot device - either make her looks not her best asset or let her be beautiful. But stop the bashful shit.
And I am really really fed up with all those stereotypes where girls who care about style and clothes are superficial bitches.
So, no more for me.