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I'd do nothing but reading if I could (ok, maybe eat some great food, buy some fancy shoes between two books...oh, and spend some quality time with the gorgeous guy I married while I am on reading-break anyway...)

DNF at 20%

Stolen Magic (Shadows of the Immortals) (Volume 1) - Marina Finlayson

I had high hopes and they were quickly thrashed.


Insta-attraction to the hot and mighty fire shaper. 


And a pretty stupid heroine who is afraid of "Shapers" because of prior bad experiences, but still decides to live in a shaper town instead of in a country where there are no shapers...and then decides to piss off a shaper in the beginning of the story, just "to stick it to him" - which doesn't make anything better for the people for whom she takes "revenge".

Stupid and unnecessary.