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I'd do nothing but reading if I could (ok, maybe eat some great food, buy some fancy shoes between two books...oh, and spend some quality time with the gorgeous guy I married while I am on reading-break anyway...)

The second installment - a bit weaker...

This Same Earth (Volume 2) - Elizabeth Hunter

The writing is still great, I am invested in the characters and the banter is still there, even if a bit muted.


What I didn't dig so much: The incompetence. On both sides. Please. You vampire people are supposed to be so brilliant.


Gio comes across as a bit dense in relation to Lorenzo. And for a big bad assassin vampire quite naive and hesistant. 


Of course I know that Lorenzo, the big evil enemy is needed.

But then don't brag about, that he can't hold a candle to your power and that you could squash him like a mosquito...

I mean if you can just burn him to a crisp, nobody even has to know it. Declare it as sleep-walking into the sun, put on your sorry-face and go on with your life. 


I am discovering that I am no fan of big finales at all. Over-used. And mostly authors have to bend story, world-building and characters to make it happen. Not cool.