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I'd do nothing but reading if I could (ok, maybe eat some great food, buy some fancy shoes between two books...oh, and spend some quality time with the gorgeous guy I married while I am on reading-break anyway...)

Fantastic. Dark. Gritty. Absolutely gripping.

Das Handwerk des Teufels: Roman - Donald Ray Pollock The Devil All the Time - Donald Ray Pollock

I couldn't put this down, read it in one go, was drawn in at the first page.




This was not a light or mild read. This was a dark story with many characters that you could firmly put it the "bad to evil" section. But that doesn't sound completely right, because every character gets its own story - how wrong some of their doings may feel, you still experience them as human beings. And you can't help but feel some kind of compassion for them - best examples are Sandy or Theodore.


This was written so well. I enjoyed simply reading sentence after sentence.


I don't want to talk about the story, the intricate plot lines, the furious chase to the finale - let's just say that pacing and plotting were perfect in my opinion.


This was one of the most impressing books I've read in a long time.


Absolutely recommended. But not for the faint of heart or readers who want a good laugh or chuckle out of their read...but count on the goose bump skin!